This blog is designed for students and families to find out about our weekly learning, links, and fun tidbits...such as photos!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Wrapping Up January

Here we are...the last week of January!  Thank you so much if you have already returned your signed report card envelope to me.

Today is the kick-off day for the Sandstone Read-a-Thon!  The packets will come home after school, and students can begin getting pledges and using the included form to track sponsors.  The sponsors can fund students three different ways:

1. Pay by minute read

2.  Pay a flat fee

3. Pay by minute read with a cap on the total amount.

On Jan. 31 - Feb. 7, students will read their pledge amount.  After the 7th, they will total their reading minutes and collect money from their sponsors.

The forms and money are due by Feb. 11 in order to be considered for prizes and awards.

...and here's a peek at the learning goals for the week:

Reading: This week, each reading group is reading a realistic fiction story.  They are continuing the  process of identifying story elements, with a specific focus on the plot and sequence of the story.  As a whole group, we are reading a fantasy fiction story by Roald Dahl, titled The BFG.  We will be visualizing what happens in the story as well as putting key events in order.

Spelling: Homophones

Math: The students are working directly with multiplying various factors and using different strategies.  Please keep an eye out in their folders for their math worksheets.  It typically takes 2-3 days of work to introduce, practice, and complete a lesson.  You will be able to see how your child is progressing through the lessons.

Writing: The students will be working on adding ideas and details to their writing to convey an image to the reader.   They are also culminating all that they have learned about various geographical communities in an opinion piece stating where they would like to live.

Have a great week!
Miss Kimpton

Friday, January 22, 2016

Monochromatic Painting

The students are working hard to create tints of hues by gradually adding white to a single color.  The base of their painting is a continuous line drawing.

Monochromatic Painting

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jan. 19 to 22

Welcome to the first week of 3rd Quarter!  We will be sending home report cards on Friday, so please keep an eye open for them in your child's folder.  This quarter, I have written comments on the report card.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call, email, or check the box on the report card envelope to signify that you would like to schedule a conference.

The following are the goals for the week:

Reading:  Each reading group is focusing on a Realistic Fiction story and the various elements (setting, characters, plot, etc.).  In conjunction with that, the students are studying the different types of natural resources that people use in various areas.

Language: The students are adding -ed and -ing to the endings of verbs

Math:  We are currently working on multiplying by 3 and 6, as well as using different strategies to multiply and divide.  This week, we will be completing lessons 4.3 - 4.6.  Keep an eye out for your child's graded papers coming home.  The initial amount marked incorrect is their score.  If we have time, I do require that they make their corrections, which will be indicated with a star.

Writing: This week, the writing will focus on using different ideas and details to show the reader what is happening, as opposed to simply telling.

Have a great week!
Miss Kimpton

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, and welcome back to school for 2016. Updates for the week will be posted soon.