Classroom Community: The students will work in teams to sort different things they will be learning throughout the year onto Reading, Math, Writing, and Speaking and Listening posters. They will think and write about the challenges and successes in second grade. After that, they will set a goal for third grade. We call these their Hopes and Dreams.
Writing: The students will write about an animal or sport in order to set a baseline of their writing skills.
Math: We will be reviewing second grade concepts (estimating, difference, adding, base ten blocks) through an activity each day called "How Many Pockets?" Don't be surprised if your child wants to wear outfits with as many pockets as possible.
Reading: I will be introducing Reading Group Rotations this week. The students will be working on activities that you will see at the Open House. We will also be testing the students to establish a Reading Group level.
As you saw from the half-piece of paper atop the GIANT stack of papers that I sent home today, our school Open House and Ice Cream Social will be on Thursday, Sept. 3 from 5:30 to 7:30. Third Grade presentations are last in the line-up. Even though you came to school for the Meet and Greet, PLEASE come to the Open House to listen to our Third Grade teachers (7:00-7:15). We will be talking about what the kiddos will learn this year, homework expectations, tests, and what to expect from the year.
Thank you for returning the packets and paying the $5 planner fee. If you have not done so yet, you can still send it to school in your child's folder. We will start using the planners next week.
See you Thursday!
Miss Kimpton
These are our Reading goals for the year. |
This shows some of our Math goals for the year. |
The students sorted these Speaking and Listening goals onto this poster. |
This is the list of Writing goals for the year. |