This blog is designed for students and families to find out about our weekly learning, links, and fun tidbits...such as photos!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

'Twas the night before school, when all through the halls
no classwork was hanging, on any of the walls;
The classrooms were prepped by the teachers with care,
In hopes that the children soon would be there;
The supplies were all nestled neatly in boxes,
with hopes they might be used to draw foxes. :)
And the folders were stuffed, the books were stored,
the smart board was hooked up, right down to its cord.
When all of sudden the alarms did ring,
and the robins outside began to sing.
Children all over jumped up from their beds,
with thoughts of learning filling their heads.
They arrived at eight, not a minute too late,
hoping to make Miss Kimpton not wait.
They walked in together, all in a line;
the parents all knowing the kids would just shine.
Miss Kimpton was heard as they started their day;
"Welcome kids, let's take it away!"

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